40th Annual Tri-State Swap/Sell Meet
Tri-State Fair Grounds 1010 N. Morton St., PortlandAntique engines, & tractors. Consignment auction Saturday at 1pm
Antique engines, & tractors. Consignment auction Saturday at 1pm
Antique engines, & tractors. Consignment auction Saturday at 1pm
50s and 60s evening at Arbys
5pm Reception and 6pm Dinner and Awards.
Registration 4pm. Entry Fee $10.00. Show time 6-9pm. Trophy, Door Prizes & Dash Plaques. Live 50's-60's Music. Lots of cars you will not want to miss.
Free entertainment! Sponsored by Beautification Committee.
Exhibits include WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Desert Storm and more. First & Third Weekends, Sat & Sun 12pm-5pm.